
7 Things that Need to be Replaced During a Residential Roofing Project

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017 at 7:11 am , By C Plus Roofing

A roof replacement is a big project. There are a lot of parts to your roof and doing the project right involves a lot more than just replacing the shingles. There are a number of different layers and components that make up your roof. There are layers that need to be peeled back and addressing these layers once the shingles are removed is the best approach.

If you are planning a replacement project, it is best to have everything inspected and replaced at the same time. You can’t just decide you want to add more vents after the shingles have been replaced. It will cost more money and you risk compromising your roof and creating another area for water to get in.

When planning a resident roofing project, there are a number of important things that need to be replaced. Here are some of the most important things worth considering replacing:

  • Shingles: This is the one thing most homeowners tend to focus on when considering a roof replacement project. Shingles are what you see when you look at your roof and they are the most obvious change, especially if you change the colour.
  • Vents: Vents play an important role in helping to regulate the temperature in your home. They allow for proper air flow. Depending on the size of your roof, you may want to consider adding a vent or two to improve air flow. Replacing them is always a good idea.
  • Wood: Under your shingles and layer of weather barrier is plywood. You may need to have these repairs or replaced during your roofing project. In most cases, replacing the plywood is done on older homes or homes that have experienced water damage issues.
  • Ice and water shield: Replacing the ice and water shield around chimneys, eaves, and vents provides added protection, especially during the winter months.
  • Flashing: This can become damaged over time. Replacing flashing when installing new shingles ensures they are properly installed and sealed to protect your roof against water infiltration.
  • Gutters and eaves: Depending on their condition, you may want to have your gutters and eaves replaced while doing your roof. At the very least, having them cleaned will ensure they are clear of debris and will function properly.
  • Attic insulation top up: Roofing insulation can break down over time and topping up or installing new insulation in your attic when getting your roof done goes hand in hand. At the very least, it’s worth checking out and having your attic inspected. Upgrading your insulation will add to the effectiveness of a roof replacement.

Every roof is unique. You may need some or all of these items to be replaced as part of your residential roof replacement project. To know for sure, contact us today to book a free roof replacement estimate.

More Roof Replacement Project Information

3 Tips For Planning For A Roof Replacement

The Roof Replacement Process: 10 Steps To A New Residential Roof

7 Important Questions To Ask A Home Inspector About Roofs

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